Best level to start the shivering isles
Best level to start the shivering isles

These work better than any potion you'll find. They are only worth 50 gold, but when you use one you'll have your Magicka fully restored instantly. Welkynd Stone These cheap counterparts to the Varla stones are also found in the Ayleid ruins. They will restore the charge on all of your enchanted items when you use them, though with a base price of 1000 gold you might want to sell them when you're lucky enough to come across a stash. Varla Stone These extremely valuable stones can be found in Ayleid ruins. Buy them and keep at least 10 with you at all times. Repair hammers have a base cost of 10 gold and can be used multiple times before they break making them a cost-effective way or maintaining your equipment. To restore them to their natural glory, you'll have to either pay someone to repair your items (at equipment stores or the Fighters Guild) or do it yourself. Each weapon you use and piece of armor that absorbs a hit will take damage and become less effective in battle. Repair Hammer Repair hammers can be purchased at most general stores and just about any weapons or armor store. Also remember that some keys can be used in place of lockpicks while other doors require a key and can't be picked.

#Best level to start the shivering isles how to

For more on how to find and use them effectively, read our Stealth section. These can be extremely difficult to find and break if you misuse them. Lockpick Use these to open locked doors and chests to gain access to areas and items otherwise unobtainable. If you're not good at math, it is ok to round these off to rough estimates. Take the items with you that have the bigger result of that quick math. A rule of thumb to follow is to divide the cost of the item by the weight. Just because a cuirass is worth 2000 gold, it doesn't mean it is a better deal than the 800 gold potion next to it. Since you can only make 1200 per transaction, it is important to look at the weight to value ratio of each item you find in a dungeon. Money a merchant holds is to increase your Mercantile skill to 75 and then 100. That means you'll have to sell that Daedric Cuirass for a measley 1200 gold. Merchants can make as many transactions per day as you want, provided the cost of each individual sale isn't greater than their maximum amount of gold. Will increase slightly allowing you to sell your goods at a closer to retail price. Each time you make a sale, the merchant's disposition

best level to start the shivering isles

Merchants carrying this much money can be found all around the Market District of the Imperial City. The only problem is that there aren't any secret shopkeepers in the game like there were in Morrowind. Selling goods is the primary way to make money in Oblivion.

best level to start the shivering isles

We wish we could tell you where to look for these items, but we can't. Outside of quest rewards, shop inventories, dungeon loot, and items found on NPCs are all random and change according to your level. Finding weapons, armor, and other items is a random occurence in Oblivion.

Best level to start the shivering isles