Sniper elite v2 review
Sniper elite v2 review

sniper elite v2 review

Playing through the campaign was a delight for the short period it lasted, but it wasn’t without faults. A level or match never went by without one of those “holy crap” moments, and I really appreciated that. I also love that I can snipe grenades off of soldiers belts for explosive results. Things like using environmental sounds to mask your shots, or holding your breath and emptying your lungs to perform better shots. I also have to admit that I was a fan of the little touches in the game. I am simply one of those people who really enjoy things like this in gaming. Every time one occurred, I was as giddy as a schoolgirl. If done correctly, you will be rewarded with a slow-motion shot of your bullet penetrating the enemy and destroying bone, tissue and, of course, vital organs. These Mortal Kombat-esque portrayals of human torture are the definition of “visceral.” In order to achieve one, you have to nail a target from at least 150 meters away. Of course, one of the most appealing portions of the experience comes from the kill-cam shots. You can play this game with as little or as much challenge as you want. There are sliders for each standard difficulty letting you tailor the game how you want. If you want enemies to act like they can’t see you even at close range, you can customize that. If you want the physics of the sniper bullets to be realistic, you can. Not only does the game give you several ways to handle the situation, but an entirely customizable difficulty scale.

sniper elite v2 review

What I liked about it, though, was the ability to approach it how you wanted. The rest of the main game is broken down into missions that have a point A to point B mentality. I won’t lie the kill shot where I literally exploded his man-parts was viscerally satisfying. This is a tense mission with you perched on top of a cliff, while the Fuhrer moves from cover-to-cover attempting to make it to a train. This mission actually has you attempting to snipe Hitler himself after stopping his convoy. Hopefully, this content becomes available in the Marketplace after a little while. The main campaign is short and sweet with some intriguing DLC for people who pre-ordered. Sniper Elite V2 is a third-person shooter that plays much like any other in the genre with a solid focus on stealth and, of course, sniping. I did like the actual missions you have to carry out, but the actual characters were just faceless drones used to propel my mission forward. The voice acting is passable, but nothing ever seemed to drag me in. Cut scenes are presented during key moments, and for some reason they are really low resolution. Your mission is important, and the fate of the world depends on you and… ok. The story finds you in Berlin during the war with a goal to assassinate the five remaining members of the V2 rocket program. Sniper Elite V2 may sound like another ho-hum shooter on the outside, but once you get through the door, there is a lot of fun to be had here. Watching soldiers take bullets in the gory X-ray camera was deeply satisfying, and the missions were intricate and well-designed. Then I got deep into the game and realized that Rebellion had really nailed something here. I am not big on most stealth games, and seriously ,World War II? Like that hasn’t been done to death.

sniper elite v2 review sniper elite v2 review

Nothing about that sounds even the least bit appealing to me. I’ll admit I groaned when I read the synopsis of Sniper Elite V2: a sniper game that takes place during World War II.

Sniper elite v2 review